Summer in the Lower Pecos: A Tale of Three Interns
By Megan Blackburn, Kasia Cross, and Dee Morris
Welcome back to the Shumla blog! We’re the 2019 Shumla Summer Interns: Megan Blackburn, Deianira Morris, and Kasia Cross. We have organized our learning experience as interns at Shumla into four intertwined categories …

10 Days in Fate Bell Shelter
By Jerod Roberts and Vicky Roberts
We knew from the beginning of The Alexandria Project that documenting Fate Bell Shelter was going to be a monumental task. A typical rock art site may take us only a few hours to complete our baseline level of documentation, …

Time Does Not Heal All: Observable Deterioration in the Rock Art of Seminole Watering Hole (41VV72)
Time Does Not Heal All: Observable Deterioration in the Rock Art of Seminole Watering Hole (41VV72) **This blog is based on the poster presented by Hailey LaRock and Caitlin Houle at the 2018 Texas Archeological Society Annual Meeting in San Antonio, Texas, titled:...
Documenting Satan Canyon Gallery: A Tale of Two Interns
By Hailey LaRock & Caitlin Houle
Hi Shumla friends, Hailey and Caitlin here! We’re the 2018 Shumla archaeological interns, and we wanted to share our experience documenting an incredible rock art site called Satan Canyon Gallery. Satan Canyon Gallery is located near the Devils River, …