Rock Art Exhibit for Public Archaeology Week
Rock Art Exhibit for Public Archaeology Week Welcome Shumla blog readers. A special welcome to those joining us for the SAA online Public Archaeology Week! If this is your first time to learn about Shumla, we are a non-profit archaeological center conducting...
Summer in the Lower Pecos: A Tale of Three Interns
By Megan Blackburn, Kasia Cross, and Dee Morris
Welcome back to the Shumla blog! We’re the 2019 Shumla Summer Interns: Megan Blackburn, Deianira Morris, and Kasia Cross. We have organized our learning experience as interns at Shumla into four intertwined categories …

10 Days in Fate Bell Shelter
By Jerod Roberts and Vicky Roberts
We knew from the beginning of The Alexandria Project that documenting Fate Bell Shelter was going to be a monumental task. A typical rock art site may take us only a few hours to complete our baseline level of documentation, …